
Decisions for an energy efficient home or deficient
Many Italians are talking about it, at home, at work, with friends, in forums: you should decide some work on the house! The bills are high, the unpredictable weather, the house has its own ailments, and some defect.

2014 tax last year 65-06

Nobody is forced to do anything at all, and perhaps the house more or less work providing sufficient comfort. You could get by. I am twenty years we go on like this, you can go on for another thirty ...

And 'here the error. You do not go forward so another thirty years! Perhaps in the warmer areas of southern Italy, yes, but not in the rest of Italy.

Those who have already changed the windows and painted within a few years we have already realized that interior finishes ruined by blacks halos of thermal bridges in the cold corners, and mold around the window holes can not be the internal landscape of the coming decades! Are we or are ostriches putting their heads in the sand?

2014 tax 65-03

A home energy-consuming, but because it is our loving, tired in the long run. Perhaps two thousand Euros of gas per year do not scare today. But they are 20 thousand in ten years. and the energy is not decreasing trend. It seems to increase by 5-6% per year.

2014 tax 65-02

Owning a home efficient or deficient (meaning in deficit, lack, Latin deficiens -entis) is not the same thing. Do not get me wrong: it's a phrase of pity, not an epithet offensive to your property!

2014 tax 65-04

Not piangiamoci him, we're actors, we have to inform us, we have to understand, we have to decide, we have to find the solution to our problems: no one will play our pipe at our place! Well, about the pipe, this year there are those who would sound for us - or at least in part! 2014 will be the last year of tax to 65%. The state is in the mood to joke? It 's just a little unfair ... like life itself ... - but let us not lose in this talk. Why not catch the ball?

2014 tax 65-09

Finding a lender grant for work to do in our home is rare. The state is promising us tax deduction equal to 65%:

invest 50 thousand Euros in your own home means you have the right to deduct tax of € 32,500, coated in 10 years:

each fiscal year can avoid payments for more than 3 thousand euro.
The work on real costs, net, only 17,500 Euros while offering quality, features and investment of 50 million.

Efficient alternative to make their own home ... face the following charges:

heating expenses amounted to EUR 20 thousand + adjusting energy prices, say, with no certainty, 25 000 €
payments to the state for 32,500 Euros
even a child would understand that it is cheaper to employ 17,500 Euros to contain heat loss, rather than burn 25 thousand euro in gas bills for heating (maybe even 30 thousand if prices flywheel).

Look, when commodity prices flying and we depend on them, we are lost. The lessons of history - those who want to learn.

2014 tax 65-10

Solution A ("a" how to "get even" as a class "A", as "even"):

invest EUR 50 thousand measures of effcientamento casing (never mind the plants for now - the casing is more durable than a new boiler)
I will avoid payments to the IRS for 32,500 Euros, amounting to 3,250 euro / year
pay bills for heating of three four 500 EUR / year, say 5000 euro in ten years
Conclusion: between 10 winters I can say I spent 55,000 €
and then continue to live in very cozy, very efficient and parsimoniosissima home for another 10 and another 10 and another 10 years ...... and with ridiculous bills (5,000 + 6,300 + 8,000 €)
Conclusion: between 40 winters (I almost ninety years) I can remember that he spent 74,300 €
2014 tax 65-07

Solution S ("s" as "ostrich" as "sand" as energy class "S"):

do not invest EUR 50 thousand measures of effcientamento casing (let alone even plants)
but the IRS will pour € 32,500, amounting to 3,250 euro / year
pay bills for heating of 2,500 € / year, say € 25,000 in ten years (maybe even 30 thousand if prices flywheel)
Conclusion: between 10 winters I can say I spent maybe 57,500 or 62,500 Euros (if prices flywheel)
and then continue to live in the non-energy-consuming comfortable home for another 10 and another 10 and another 10 years ...... and with bills to fear (30,000 + 38,000 + 47,000 euro)
Conclusion: between 40 winters (I almost ninety years) I can remember that they have spent 172,500 Euros
Between solution A and solution S, there are 100 thousand euro difference. What can I say?

2014 tax 65-05

Energy prices in the coming decades do not know anyone, we know that they will not become cheap: the moral is always the same: if we depend little energy, the price is irrelevant, if we devour a lot of energy because our house is a sieve energy, the price may also force us to leave the house!

We want to be pessimistic or realistic?

our home energy class G (see D) in 2024 that will have value?
what appetite will the real estate market?
As will be estimated by my financial institution to grant a new loan?
as will be judged my ability to repay a loan if I have expenses for the stratospheric warming?
As pollute the house?
emit as much CO2 into the atmosphere?
and whether the fees of the future will tax those who pollute more? if you name polluter pays?
What kind of legacy will be for our children?
This is the year to decide to change things, to have a future!

2014 tax 65-08

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